Experienced Nanny
Seeking a skilled Nanny with a BA, and a background in child development or education (as a plus!) for a position that is live-in, in Puerto Rico. The Head Nanny will report to the principals directly. The family is easy going and spontaneous. This is an amazing opportunity for the right candidate to live in Puerto Rico and help with the children, mainly one of the four. There would be future travel with the family to Michigan and Montana. Canidates will have goals, and the compensation will include a bonus, driven by performance against his/her goals.
Preferred work style and Nanny duties:
1) It is required that there is a lot of talking with the kids, especially the boys. The house should never be quiet! Main focus is one of the four boys.
2) Someone able to constantly talk to the kids in English and Spanish (if applicable).
3) Work on basic child development (ie: learn to tie shoelaces).
4) Utilize board games for collaboration, teamwork, competition and development.
5) The boys must read 1,000 books by preschool- goal of the principals.
6) Need to see candidate’s ability to schedule blocks of time to plan a day.
7) Light housekeeping is needed but only if it does not interfere with child development activities. Nanny should pick up after the child she/he is working with and themselves at all times.